Why use a wedding planner? What does a wedding planner even do? Surely we can do it ourselves and with a bit of help from the venue. As an expert wedding planning agency with 11 years experience in planning, creating, choreographing and managing destination weddings in Italy we can assure you that the first 3 sentences in this paragraph are dangerous madness!
Organising all the different elements, such as ceremony, transport, music, decoration, guest direction, timings, lighting is not something that should be left to chance or in the hands of an amateur. No matter how willing. If instead you use a professional expert wedding planning team such as Love Italy Weddings you will experience some important advantageous differences:
- Firstly, and very importantly, the bride and groom ‘will’ just relax about the arrangements and enjoy the day more. By the time your wedding day comes around you will have built a great relationship with your wedding planner. You will know that they have got everything in hand and under control. You will be delighted with their knowledge and experience and level of competence in managing weddings and happy that they are taking all the responsibility. You will have discussed what you want from the day and happy that there is a plan for delivering all your dreams.
- On your wedding day our expert management and choreography combined with us having prepared everything meticulously means that the days events flow seamlessly from one to the next. Guests relax and their enjoyment of the event only builds as one delight follows another.
- You will be relaxed instead of stressed because in the weeks and months leading up to your wedding you have enjoyed a calm, controlled wedding planning process. You will have discussed your wedding requirements in every detail with your wedding planner possibly over a year ago. In the meantime you will have received confirmations as each element has been prepared for you and been in constant contact. As each piece of the jigsaw has been put in place and confirmed you will have received calls and texts from your planner. You will have been offered choices and advice at every stage. We do this all the time and we are here in Italy and we speak Italian and it still takes dozens of hours of organising. Thankfully for you, you don’t need to know anything about this. You should just arrive in Italy and be presented with your perfect wedding. Love Italy Weddings wedding planning service.
- You will definitely be at a venue that caters for everything you desire and works perfectly for you. This can be in terms of facilities, rules and restrictions, policies, transport connections, capacities or costs. We have dozens of venues and we know them fully. So when we recommend a venue for you it will be right.
- Your budget will have gone further. As experts in the field of weddings we secure good prices for all the many elements that make up your wedding. Also and very importantly we get everything right first time avoiding costly mistakes. We will make sure that you are protected contractually and that the selected suppliers are trustworthy and deliver to a high standard. Using good, reliable and affable wedding element suppliers is essential to the smooth running of a wedding. We have ten years worth of contacts in the Italian wedding industry and a good reputation that all works for our wedding couples.
Why use a wedding planner? – because a good wedding planner will subtly (you will hardly notice their presence) turn a party into a lifelong memorable event, save you money and ensure that you have the best day ever at your wedding.
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